「閱讀馬Live 叢」活動


很高興大家踴躍參與「閱讀馬Live 叢」活動,希望同學喜歡老師們帶給大家的小故事及活動。今天活動完結將會是你們的「悦」讀旅程的開始。希望同學們在家抗疫之餘不忘閱讀,「停課不停學 · 停課不停閱」。由於版權問題,未能附上有關書籍內容;現為大家送上三位外籍老師推介的小手工指引,希望同學們在製作精美手工時,還能延續《花婆婆》傳遞愛的訊息。



Dear Students,

Thank you for joining us today for our Story Marathon, it was great to see you all! We hope you enjoyed listening to all the stories and playing along with the quizzes and other activities. The end of today marks the beginning of your life-long reading adventure! Reading is an important skill than you can always improve on, so read read read, and enjoy!

We would like to give you the instructions for the craft parts of our Story Marathon, so you can have fun making them at home! Please find attached the instructions for Ms. Nachi’s kangaroo bookmark, Ms. Binal’s tin pencil holder, and Mr. Edwards’ smiley heart. Have fun creating these fun crafts! You can save what you make and bring them back to school once schools open again. The best designs will receive some lovely prizes!
Take care and have fun reading and crafting at home!
Craft 1 : Tin Pencil Holder