• 在线教育平台的兴起改变了传统教育模式。
  • 电子商务的快速发展对传统零售业造成了巨大冲击。
  • 网络安全问题日益严重,个人数据保护成为全球关注的焦点。
  • 隐私保护和数据安全在数字化时代变得更加重要。
  • 随着人们对健康意识的提高,有机食品市场正在迅速增长。
  • 随着人们对隐私保护的关注增加,数据安全成为企业必须重视的问题。
  • 电子竞技的兴起改变了传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 电动汽车的兴起预示着交通行业的未来趋势。
  • 随着环保意识的提高,可持续消费和绿色生活方式成为新的消费趋势。
  • 大数据在商业决策中的作用越来越重要。
  • 大数据在商业决策中的作用越来越重要。
  • 气候变化问题促使全球采取更积极的环境保护措施。
  • 远程工作已成为许多行业新的常态,改变着职场文化。
  • 随着全球对COVID-19疫情的持续应对,远程工作已成为新常态。
  • 随着5G技术的推广,物联网和智能城市的发展迎来了新的机遇。
  • 全球健康危机促使各国加强公共卫生体系的建设和改革。
  • 电子竞技的兴起改变了传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 区块链技术的应用正在扩展到金融行业之外的新领域。
  • 随着太空探索的商业化,航天产业迎来了新的发展机遇。
  • 随着5G技术的推广,物联网和智能城市的发展迎来了新的机遇。
  • 远程工作模式的普及正在重塑传统的工作场所和通勤文化。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了加强公共卫生体系和国际卫生合作的紧迫性。
  • 生物多样性的丧失成为全球生态保护的紧迫问题。
  • 远程工作模式的普及正在重塑传统的工作场所和通勤文化。
  • 全球化带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。
  • 英文科 – 佛教慈敬學校


    Learning targets and objectives:

    1.To develop learners’ language skills to communicate, express personal ideas and views effectively, and engage in various contexts for study, personal growth and enjoyment;

    2.To cultivate a love for reading and an appreciation of language by enhancing learners’ language competency as enthusiastic readers;

    3.To facilitate learners’ personal growth by nurturing positive values and attitudes.


    School-based curriculum

    General English Programme


    • The curriculum provides a balanced focus on developing the four major language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing;
    • About 60% of lesson time is allocated for the development of learners’ language skills and strategies.

    Key strategies adopted:

    1. Enhancing learners’ language skills through integrative language use

    1.1  P.1-P.6 Reading Enrichment programme

    • The Space Town Literacy Programme (Space Town) is implemented in Key Stage 1 (P.1-3) to enhance reading and writing strategies. The Native English teachers (NETs) conduct English lessons every week.
    • The Keys 2 Literacy Development (Keys 2) is adopted in Key Stage 2 (P.4-6) to develop learners’ reading and writing skills progressively via a variety of learning and teaching strategies and builds upon SpaceTown as both programs are developed by the EDB NET Section.
    • Local English Teachers teach reading and writing skills explicitly to support learners to progress from reading to writing.
    • Storytelling sessions are conducted by four NETs at the Chi King Power Reading Bus during lunchtime every week. Reading with the Principal is held regularly to motivate young learners to read and express themselves.

    2.Making good use of learning time to develop generic skills and inquiry, encourage holistic thinking and learn independently and actively

    2.1 English Language Environment Enrichment Programme

    • The program provides learners with ample opportunities to practice and improve their English language skills in a supportive and stimulating environment.
    • For instance, P.1 Cake making and Greeting with Professor Paws, P.2 Visit to Science Museum, P.4 Kahoot! Competition, P.4-6 Exchange activities with Kellett International School, English Fun Day and other cultural learning activities.
    • Different extra-curricular activities (ECAs) are held after school to promote active engagement with the English language. STEAM-related activities including science experiments, and coding and programming are conducted for all P.1 to P.6 learners. Language-related activities including English Drama Club, Time to Talk, Chi King’s Got Talent, Choral speaking and reading activities are also incorporated.
    • E-learning tools and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) classes are adopted for Key Stage 2 learners inside and outside the classrooms to foster self-directed learning.
    • Talented and gifted learners are nominated for competitions, for example, The Hong Kong Speech Festival, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals “Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition”, “Hong Kong English Speaking and Performing Contest 2024” and RTHK “In the Common Room” broadcast.

    3.Strengthening cross-curricular learning and RaC to foster learners’ whole-person development

    3.1 Life-wide Learning Week Programme

    • The program provides learners with a diverse range of learning experiences beyond the traditional classroom setting
    • Students participate in different learning activities outside the school, engage with interesting reading materials and do creative writing, as well as to reflect independently to foster whole-person development.

    4.Using value-driven reading materials and activities to cover the cognition, affect and action domains to stimulate learners’ reflection

    • Extended reading materials and activities are incorporated into the daily English lessons to enhance learners’ critical thinking and cultivate their love for reading.
    • Value-driven reading books and learning activities can enhance learners’ emotional engagement and develop their empathy to gain a deeper understanding of others’ beliefs, cultures and feelings.

    4.1 SCOLAR’s English Alliance “Learning English with Drama Fun”

      • Learners adopt English in real-life situations together with non-verbal language. They explore a selected theme, i.e. Feelings and Emotions through a variety of drama activities.

    The NETs:

    • Mr Edwards

      Hello everyone!

      Nice to meet you, my name is Mr. Edwards. I come from Wales, which is in the UK. My hobbies include reading and playing sports such as rugby and basketball, as well as hiking. I have been working at Chi King for the last 14 years and am so grateful to be part of such a caring and professional team of teachers. This year, I will teach the Space Town English curriculum to P1, P2 and P3 students. I also teach English Drama and other extra-curricular activities such as choral speaking and STEM related lessons. I always love to chat and interact with students, so please come and say hi whenever you see me!

      Together, the NET team at Chi King create an authentic English language-learning environment. Through carefully tailored lessons and activities, as well as special English events like ‘Halloween Fun Day’, students can immerse themselves in a fun, language rich experience that builds up their confidence and English ability. We care for and nurture our students, encouraging participation and creating a positive and happy environment that is better and more fun for everyone!

    • Ms Binal

      My name is Ms. Binal, and it is my pleasure to be your child’s Net Teacher at Buddhist Chi King Primary School! I hope to have a great year with all the wonderful kids. It’s going to be full of pleasurable learning experiences and fun through our curriculum-based learning, and lots of fun-loving activities! You will be able to enjoy the growth of your kids’ personalities as an athlete, artist, dancer, actor, or an active learner who likes to read or excel in his or her studies.

       I like to introduce myself. I am from India, and I live in a city called Mumbai. I am married and have one son. I enjoy reading, storytelling, crafting, and dancing. I have always loved teaching, and this is my eighth year of teaching at this school. This year I’m excited as always and looking forward to teaching P1, P2 and P3. The main objective of my teaching is to teach English through Space Town, enabling students to develop their knowledge of the subject through practising listening, speaking, reading, writing skills. In addition, this year we will be having activities like baking cake, making a mask and learning how to write an email as a part of their learning development. Thank you for choosing and giving us the opportunity to help and guide your kids to be the best they can and more. We at Buddhist Chi King Primary School will do our best to make this year’s experiences wonderful.

    • Ms Marzia

      With great delight, let me extend my gratitude to all of you. Welcome back to another year of wonderful learning opportunities. Keeping the student’s continuous development in mind, we have planned many new activities which will directly benefit them. In addition to that, the activities will also give a purpose  to build up love for learning.

      This year, I am going to teach P1 to P6. I am excited to announce that we will continue our theme-based hands-on learning activity, Magic English. In Magic English, we try to cover wide ranges of topics, from ocean habitats to the solar system, from seasonal greetings to movies; from human body to different cuisine. This year, alongside teaching the vocabularies, we are planning to extend our learning journey by offering- stem, crafting, magic and much more.

      Beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of our most thrilling activities is going to be-“Chi King’s Got Talent”. The core objective of Chi King’s Got Talent is to build up student’s confidence while demonstrating their talents in different arenas- covering from singing to visual arts, acting to writing poems. We certainly believe every child is unique. As an educator, our top most priority is to guide the children through a proper direction, so they can enhance their talents and skills. With that thought in mind, we have designed Chi King’s Got Talent as a unique platform to learn about famous personalities in the world, navigating their own interests and sharpening their talent. At the end of the school year, there will be a surprise- “A performance at Chi King Parade”.

      Moving on to our most thrilled activities, Time to Talk. For the first time, we are planning to participate in Time to Talk, which is a public speaking competition run by EDB. This year, the overarching theme is Love, which could be love for self, love for country, love for family and friends; or love for nature. Students will choose different songs or topics to express and share their thoughts in public. The competition not only focuses on apt talking abilities and confidence, but also seeks for team collaboration, respect and perseverance.

      With a heart full of joy, I am eagerly looking forward to meeting all my students. I am sure we will have a spectacular year ahead.

    • Ms Ansa

      Hello everyone!

      So happy you are all here! Hope you had an awesome summer vacation. It’s now time to seek unlimited opportunities for learning by engaging together. Let us together make this a year to remember.

      This year let’s dive into “Celebration of Cultures” by learning about different festivals celebrated around the world. “Celebration of Cultures” is a fun-filled culture-based activity that will help students develop respect and understanding for diverse values and beliefs. Students will be introduced to a particular festival in each lesson. They will develop a detailed understanding of the festival and get a glimpse of how each festival is celebrated through art and craft. Wouldn’t it be fun to make rangoli, apply mehndi, or decorate easter eggs all while learning about different festivals?

      We will also have the “Big Bang Academy” this year – an academy that will make you fall in love with science. “Big Bang Academy” is a science-based activity that will help students learn how to explore and wonder about the things surrounding them. Students may have questions like ‘How do we feel different textures?’, ‘Where does the rain come from?’ and more. With an understanding of science, students will be able to answer those questions. Additionally, students will learn by doing, which will help students better understand those science concepts.

      “Coding with Mochi” is another STEAM activity that we will be having this year. This activity will help students learn the basics of computer programming in a playful, hands-on way. They will learn some basic coding elements as well as explore different topics. Students will input instructions through coding blocks and control Mochi to move, which will allow them to apply the different programming concepts, such as sequences and functions, as well as help students understand direction.

      I just can’t wait to be doing all those fun activities with you all!

    Students’ Awards:


    Award Name:



    Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition

    Individual prize – Best Speaker

    First prize:

    4C Li Yu Him

    5D Wong Tsz Hung Rainbow

    Second prize:

    5D Liu Tsz Ching

    5B Wong Lok Man

    Third prize:

    5C Ng Ka Chun

    4D Tsang Wing Fung


    5C Cheng Troy Hugh Leung

    4D San Ming Chun

    Certificate of participation

    3B Chan Ho Yeung

    3B Lau Eunice

    3D Fung Sum Yau

    4A Lee Chun Lok

    4C Li Yu Him

    4D Leung Sik Sum

    4D Leung Yat Wai Issac

    4D San Ming Chun

    4D Tsang Wing Fung

    5B Wong Lok Man

    5C Cheng Troy Hugh Leung

    5C Ng Ka Chun

    5C Tsang Ho Yi Chloe

    5D Cheung Ka Lok

    5D Liu Tsz Ching

    5D Wong Tsz Hung Rainbow

    The 1st Hong Kong English Speaking & Performing Contest 2024

    3rd Class Award

    2B Cheng Tsun Long

    2C Tsang Yu Chit

    2D Li Hei Sen

    6C Lai Yuen Hei Ryoga

    6D Cheng Ho Hong

    6D Leung Sik Man

    Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition (Round 1)

    1st prize

    4C Li Yu Him

    5D Wong Tsz Hung Rainbow

    Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition (Round 1)

    2nd prize

    5B Wong Lok Man

    5D Liu Tsz Ching

    Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition (Round 1)

    3rd prize

    4D Tsang Wing Fung

    5C Ng Ka Chun

    Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition (Round 1)


    4D San Ming Chun

    5C Cheng Troy Hugh Leung

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 1 and 2, Girls


    1A Wong Oi Kiu

    1D Mak Tsz Yan

    2A Lee Ming Lee

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 1 and 2, Girls


    2C Wong Ching Yu

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Choral Speaking Primary 1 to 3, Mixed Voice


    2B Ching Sze Mang

    2B Li Po Yin

    2B Ng Lok Hei

    2B Lu Jing Lin

    2B Ng Sze Hon

    2C Tam Tsz Yan

    2C Yuen Sum

    3A Chang Tsz Yu

    3A Fawzi Iyad Ahmed

    3A Hou Wing Tung

    3A Kwan Kei Chun

    3A Poon Yan Suet

    3A Wu Yang Yang

    3A Xia Sze Ying

    3A Ye Tsz Yan

    3B Chen Jia Han

    3B Kwan Chun Hin

    3B Law Chun Hei

    3B Li Wai Sze

    3C Leung King Yu

    3C Li Yetao

    3C Lin Ka Yan

    3C Mok Man Ho Theo

    3C Siu Tsz Kin Steven

    3C Siu Tsz Ying Joyce

    3C Yip Cheuk Hong Aiden

    3C Zhang Yu Xi

    3D Chung Ching

    3D Lai Hing Tung

    3D Lai Hon Wan

    3D Li Tsz Yu

    3D Wong Chun Ming

    3D Wong Pui Ching Vicky

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 6, Girls


    6A Cheng Yi Chun

    6A Tan Ka Nam

    6D Chan Tsz Tung

    6D Wong Nga Hei

    6D Tsoi Blaire

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 6, Girls


    6D Leung Sik Man

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 3, Boys


    3A Sie Hau Lap

    3A Yang Chun Yuen

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 3, Girls


    3A Hou Wing Tung

    3D Chung Ching

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 4, Boys


    4A Buk Yat Sum

    4D Lee Ting Ngo

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 4, Boys


    4A Huang Yik Wun

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 4, Girls


    4A Tsui Ka Kiu

    4A Cheung Hoi Ching

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 5, Girls


    5B Tsang Yui Kiu Minna

    5D Wong Tsz Hung Rainbow

    75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 2023 Solo Verse Speaking Primary 6, Boys


    6C Lai Yuen Hei Ryoga

    6D Chan Chun Yiu

    6D Mak Kwun Sing

    6D Fong Pak Kit

    6D Choi August Ki Yui

    Good People Good Deeds Tung Wah Group of Hospitals English Writing Competition 2023

    Certificate of Participation

    6D Choi August Ki Yui

    6D Hui Tsz Yau

    6D Mak Kwun Sing

    6D Wong Nga Hei                         

    Semi- Final of the 15th English Radio Drama Competition 2022-2023 for schools


    6C Lai Yuen Hei Ryoga

    6D Suen Yat Kei

    6D Wong Nga Hei

    6D Chan Tsz Tung

    6D Choi August Ki Yui

    Subject Highlights